SUPERMAN is the tale of Superman's efforts to defeat a vengeful scientist, the new villain Dr. Abner Sedgwick, who seeks to destroy the world's symbol of good. In this premiere adaptation of the 1966 musical, It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman, this TYA-friendly musical will be sure to soar up, up and away into the hearts of all children and the young at heart.
With so many upcoming projects in the works, BWW has put together a guide to what's in store from the House of Mouse and its uber-talented creative teams!
With so many upcoming projects in the works, BWW has put together a guide to what's in store from the House of Mouse and its uber-talented creative teams!
Accordng to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney has announced yet another live action take on their classic films. 'Tinker Bell' is set to star WILD's Reese Witherspoon in the title role.