Drilling Company Presents BIRD BRAIN, 3/13
by BWW
News Desk - Mar 13, 2011
To share a delightful family theater production with a wider audience, The Drilling Company is remounting 'Bird Brain' by Vern Thiessen, directed by Hamilton Clancy, for an open ended run with previews beginning March 5 and opening March 13. The Drilling Company had presented the piece in workshop last Spring. This is the U.S. Premiere of a play that was originally commissioned by Carousel Players, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada and debuted there to enthusiastic notices. It's about a hard working woodsman confronted with a terrible conflict: obey the laws of the land or protect the birds in his hat.
Drilling Company Presents BIRD BRAIN, 3/13
by Nicole Rosky - Mar 8, 2011
To share a delightful family theater production with a wider audience, The Drilling Company is remounting 'Bird Brain' by Vern Thiessen, directed by Hamilton Clancy, for an open ended run with previews beginning March 5 and opening March 13. The Drilling Company had presented the piece in workshop last Spring. This is the U.S. Premiere of a play that was originally commissioned by Carousel Players, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada and debuted there to enthusiastic notices. It's about a hard working woodsman confronted with a terrible conflict: obey the laws of the land or protect the birds in his hat.
The Drilling Company Brings Back RESERVOIR, Closes 1/16
by BWW News Desk - Jan 16, 2011
To share an outstanding play of its 2010-2011 season with the widest possible audience, The Drilling Company will mount a return engagement of 'Reservoir' by Eric Henry Sanders thru January 16, 2011.
The Drilling Company Brings Back RESERVOIR, 1/6-16
by BWW
News Desk - Jan 6, 2011
To share an outstanding play of its 2010-2011 season with the widest possible audience, The Drilling Company will mount a return engagement of 'Reservoir' by Eric Henry Sanders from January 6 to 16, 2011. The play is a highly-charged, explosive new work that reveals how the tragedy of a distant war seethes within us. Buchner's 'Woyzeck' is re-imagined as the unsettling homecoming of a Mideastern War veteran--a lowly truck mechanic with PTSD. Sanders peers into the souls of the soldier, his Staff Sergeant, his military psychiatrist (a woman), his closest buddy from overseas who is now serving with him stateside, and his girlfriend who is mother of his infant son. Hamilton Clancy directs. The plain-spoken, powerful drama hits with the force of a mass outcry in our war-weary age. The Drilling Company presented the play's world premiere run from November 4 to 21, 2010.
The Drilling Company Brings Back RESERVOIR, 1/6-16
by Nicole Rosky - Dec 1, 2010
To share an outstanding play of its 2010-2011 season with the widest possible audience, The Drilling Company will mount a return engagement of 'Reservoir' by Eric Henry Sanders from January 6 to 16, 2011. The play is a highly-charged, explosive new work that reveals how the tragedy of a distant war seethes within us. Buchner's 'Woyzeck' is re-imagined as the unsettling homecoming of a Mideastern War veteran--a lowly truck mechanic with PTSD. Sanders peers into the souls of the soldier, his Staff Sergeant, his military psychiatrist (a woman), his closest buddy from overseas who is now serving with him stateside, and his girlfriend who is mother of his infant son. Hamilton Clancy directs. The plain-spoken, powerful drama hits with the force of a mass outcry in our war-weary age. The Drilling Company presented the play's world premiere run from November 4 to 21, 2010.
Photo Flash: Reservoir Returns To The Drilling Company
by Gabrielle Sierra - Nov 30, 2010
To share an outstanding play of its 2010-2011 season with the widest possible audience, The Drilling Company will mount a return engagement of 'Reservoir' by Eric Henry Sanders from January 6 to 16, 2011.