WHAT LINDA SAID Gets World Premiere at Summerworks 2017
by BWW
News Desk - Aug 3, 2017
Through the lens of her real-life experiences with cancer, poet and playwright Priscila Uppal (6 Essential Questions, Factory Theatre) creates a magical and uplifting theatrical dialogue between two old friends in the new play What Linda Said. Based on Priscila's relationship with the late celebrated Canadian actress Linda Griffiths, What Linda Said takes a bitingly funny, poetic and personal look at coping with cancer. What Linda Said premieres at the Summerworks Festival, August 3 - 13, 2017 at the Factory Theatre Studio. www.whatlindasaid.ca
WHAT LINDA SAID Gets World Premiere at Summerworks 2017
by A.A. Cristi - Jun 27, 2017
Through the lens of her real-life experiences with cancer, poet and playwright Priscila Uppal (6 Essential Questions, Factory Theatre) creates a magical and uplifting theatrical dialogue between two old friends in the new play What Linda Said. Based on Priscila's relationship with the late celebrated Canadian actress Linda Griffiths, What Linda Said takes a bitingly funny, poetic and personal look at coping with cancer. What Linda Said premieres at the Summerworks Festival, August 3 - 13, 2017 at the Factory Theatre Studio. www.whatlindasaid.ca