Hint of Lime Productions Presents Five Productions At The Inaugural Nomad Festival
Hint of Lime Productions is delighted to present five plays at the inaugural Nomad Film and Theatre Festival, a mini touring festival visiting The New Forest, Greenwich, Newhaven and Buxton over the late spring and summer. Hint of Lime will join the Nomad Festival in Greenwich with The Very Perry Show, the 2017 Best Comedy Award winner at the United Solo Theatre Festival in New York, making a sole Nomad Festival appearance on 9 June, the five star reviewed Are There More of You? written and performed by Alison Skilbeck on 13 June in Greenwich, 20 June in Newhaven and 20 July in Buxton, the mysterious thriller A Substitute For Life by Simon Brett, and the five star reviewed The Power Behind The Crone, both in Greenwich on 14 June, in Newhaven on 21 June and Buxton on 21 July. The company is joined by four-star reviewed "Author, Composer, Soldier-of-a-sort" written and performed by Jan Carey in Buxton on 5-7 July.