Dinner, Drama, and The Dead: The Return of an Irish Masterpiece
The Dead, 1904 is an immersive, theatrical adaptation of James Joyce’s novella “The Dead,” originally published in his Dubliners collection. Acclaimed literary couple Paul Muldoon and Jean Hanff Korelitz have brought this work to life with Irish Repertory Theatre for the fourth time this winter at the American Irish Historical Society.
Julianna Margulies to Take Part in New Victory Circle Salon
On Thursday, February 10th from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM ET New Victory Circle Salon will host a riveting and heartwarming conversation between award-winning actress Julianna Margulies and podcast producer Nina Korelitz Matza to discuss Margulies’ latest autobiography, Sunshine Girl: An Unexpected Life.
THE 8TH Wins Best Production In 2020 Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival Awards
a??a??a??a??a??a??a??a?oeThe 8tha?? made sure its one win (out of seven nominations) counted as it nabbed Best Production at the 2020 Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival Awards at Rosie O'Grady's in Times Square tonight. The world premiere of Seanie Sugrue's comedy-drama about a family's tensions around Ireland's recent epic referendum to overturn the 8th Amendment outlawing abortion, ran for 13 performances at The Secret Theatre in Queens and was produced locally by Locked in the Attic Productions, with Five OHM Productions.
2020 Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival Nominations Have Been Announced
Productions and plays from Ireland face off against several homegrown New York productions as the 12th annual Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival hands out its awards at a closing night ceremony at Rosie O'Grady's Manhattan Club, 800 Seventh Avenue, on Monday February 3 at 6:30pm.
2020 Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival Releases Full Schedule
Six mainstage productions, several of which explore positive and dramatic social change on the Island of Ireland in the past decade, will be part of the 2020 Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival, running in venues across the city from January 7 to February 3. New York's all-Irish theatre festival and the world's only festival devoted exclusively to producing the plays of contemporary Irish playwrights from around the world, presents productions from Belfast, Dublin, Wexford, Manhattan and Queens. Three are American premieres; two are world premieres. The American premiere of Eva O'Connor's 'Maz and Bricks' and the world premiere of Sean Sugrie's 'The 8th' open the Festival on January 7.
Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival Will Run From January 7 to February 3, 2020
The month-long Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival, the world's only festival devoted to producing the plays of contemporary Irish playwrights from around the world, runs four weeks from January 7 to February 3, 2020. A total 15 events, including seven mainstage productions from Belfast, Dublin, Wexford, and Manhattan and Queens, will be seen in- and out-of-competition. Among the productions, three are American premieres; two are world premieres. 15 contemporary Irish writers are represented with work in the Festival.
All-Female Theater Production Team Gives The Brontë Sisters A New Stage
Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, evoke deep emotions for those who have read these beloved literary works. And yet, few readers know the history of the creators behind these great novels and the raw life experiences that gave birth to their writings. 'The Art of Sisters' reveals the personal lives of the Bronte family through vignettes woven together by their diary entries, letters, poems, as well as excerpts from their novels.
2019 Origin 1st Irish Award Winners Announced
The crowd-pleasing rugby play "Alone It Stands" scored Best Production at the 2019 Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival's closing night festivities at The Manhattan Club at Rosie O'Grady's in Times Square tonight. The locally produced American premiere of "Alone It Stands," a play with an illustrious production history in Ireland, The West End and elsewhere, was nominated in four categories, and played at 59E59 Theaters. Two critically acclaimed productions imported from Ireland -- "On Blueberry Hill" (at 59E59 Theaters through February 3) and "The Morning After the Life Before" which played at the cell - also had big wins, with "On Blueberry Hill" (produced by Fishamble: The New Play Co in Dublin) earning Best Actor for Niall Buggy and Best Design; and "The Morning After the Life Before" (produced by Dublin's Guna Nua Theatre) winning Best Actress for Lucia Smyth, and Best Director for Paul Meade.
Productions and plays from Ireland face off against several homegrown New York productions as the 11th annual Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival hands out its awards at a closing night ceremony at Rosie O'Grady's Manhattan Club, 800 Seventh Avenue, on Monday January 28 at 7pm. Origin 1st Irish 2019, the world's only theatre festival dedicated to showcasing the work of contemporary Irish playwrights from around the world, began on January 9. Among the festival's six mainstage productions in competition, five are US premieres, and one is a world premiere. To RSVP to the awards ceremony, which is a free event, visit www.origintheatre.org
All-Female Theater Production Team Gives The Brontë Sisters A New Stage
Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, evoke deep emotions for those who have read these beloved literary works. And yet, few readers know the history of the creators behind these great novels and the raw life experiences that gave birth to their writings. 'The Art of Sisters' reveals the personal lives of the Bronte family through vignettes woven together by their diary entries, letters, poems, as well as excerpts from their novels.
NY's All-Irish Theatre Festival ORIGIN'S 1ST IRISH Kicks Off January 9
The 2019 Origin's 1st Irish Theatre Festival, New York's all-Irish theatre festival and the world's only festival devoted exclusively to producing the plays of contemporary Irish playwrights from around the world, settles in to its new January time slot, running three weeks from January 9 to 28. A total 17 events, including six mainstage productions from Belfast, Derry, Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Queens and Manhattan, will be seen in and out of competition. Among the productions, five are US premieres; one is a world premiere. 15 contemporary Irish writers are represented with work in performance.