by Ettore Farrattini - Mar 8, 2023
Tanya Perez to Join THE BABY MONITOR At Italy's OnStage! Festival
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Nov 6, 2021
Following successful productions in Belgrade, Dublin and New York City, Different Translation will present The Baby Monitor, a crucial play exploring same-sex parenting, surrogacy, race, family values, and the repercussions of making assumptions, at Italy's OnStage! Festival.
David Stallings' THE BABY MONITOR To Be Part Of Italy's OnStage! Festival
by A.A. Cristi - Oct 13, 2021
Following successful productions in Belgrade, Dublin and New York City, Different Translation is pleased to announce The Baby Monitor, a crucial new play exploring same-sex parenting, surrogacy, race, family values, and the repercussions of making assumptions, will be presented in Italy as part of the second edition of the OnStage! Festival.
Origin Presents Marco Calvani's BEAUTIFUL DAY WITHOUT YOU Off-Broadway Starting November 1
by Stephi Wild - Oct 3, 2018
Origin Theatre Company, the city's only theatre company devoted to presenting the American premieres of new works by Europe's brightest contemporary playwrights, presents the world premiere of the acclaimed Italian-born playwright Marco Calvani's new play "Beautiful Day Without You," beginning Thursday November 1. Directed by Erwin Maas, "Beautiful Day Without You" features a cast of three that includes Dan Butler ("Bulldog" on TV's Frasier and last season's "Travesties" on Broadway), Richarda Abrams and Anne Son.
Forza Venite Gente, o forse no?
by Sara Crescente - Jul 11, 2018
È iniziato il 4 luglio e si protrarra fino al 29 dello stesso mese il festival del teatro di Roma, con piu di trenta spettacoli in programma.
Ad aprire le danze al teatro Marconi e FORZA VENITE GENTE, un musical tra i piu riproposti in Italia che calca le scene dal 1981.
GL'INNAMORATI DI GOLDONI, Teatro Brancaccino, 1-4 dicembre
by BWW News Desk - Nov 30, 2016
Nell'ambito della rassegna 'Spazio del racconto' al Teatro Brancaccino va in scena 'Gl'innamorati di Goldoni' dall'01 al 04 dicembre. La piece non e l'attualizzazione dell'omonima commedia scritta da Goldoni nel 1759, ma ne e la radicale riscrittura contemporanea. Le differenze fra l'opera originaria e questa nuova commedia sono le stesse che corrono fra l'attualita e la contemporaneita. Una drammaturgia che raduna tutte le opposizioni del sentimento e della morale, tutti i sintomi, le mode, gli stili del presente in una radicale rivisitazione del classico di Goldoni, trasportandolo a un'altra latitudine e a un'altra temperatura del contemporaneo.
BRANCACCINO, LA VOCE UMANA dal 27 al 30 ottobre
by BWW News Desk - Oct 25, 2016
Dedicato a Shakespeare in occasione dei suoi 400 anni "L'amore e pura follia, e merita una stanza al buio e una frusta come per i pazzi. Il solo motivo per cui gli innamorati non vengono puniti e curati e perche questo tipo di pazzia e talmente diffuso, che chi dovrebbe frustare e a sua volta innamorato" (As you like it)
Marco Calvani's MASPETH Set for Planet Connections Theatre Festivity Tomorrow
by Tyler Peterson - Jun 30, 2016
Planet Connections Theatre Festivity helps close out Gay Pride Month with a reading of Marco Calvani's drama Maspeth, presented on Thursday, June 30 at 8pm at the Paradise Factory, located at 64 East 4th Street. The reading is directed by Shira-Lee Shalit, with a cast that includes Christina Toth, Evgeniya Radilova and Alexander Hodge. Joe Dolce, former editor in chief of Details and Star magazines and journalist for many of the world's leading publications, including The New York Times, is hosting a Talk Back session after the production.
Alberto Bassetti's DEALERS OF SOULS to Play TNC in November
by Tyler Peterson - Oct 28, 2015
In Italy, theaters are under real estate pressure; their precious locations and spacious buildings are eagerly sought by developers who try to convert valued cultural assets into commercial buildings. This clash of artistic idealism and commercial opportunism has been dramatized by Italian playwright Alberto Bassetti in 'Dealers of Souls,' a new play whose American premiere will be presented November 12 to 29 by Theater for the New City in collaboration with Kairos Italy Theatre. It's a supernatural drama in which two men are negotiating the sale of an old theater. The buyer, a clearly corrupt theater entrepreneur, promises to restore it but actually, he intends to turn it into a supermarket. Can his intrigues be stymied by a strange actress who squats in the building, who seems to be part hobo and part phantom of the theater? Can she save the day?
Creative Team Set for PCTF's PLAYWRIGHTS FOR A CAUSE This June
by BWW News Desk - Apr 1, 2015
Creative teams have been announced for the 2015 Planet Connections Theatre Festivity's Playwrights For A Cause, set to take place at 7:30pm on Sunday, June 14, 2015 at the Sheen Center, located at 18 Bleecker Street.
Met Museum and SFMOMA Debut Major William Kentridge Installation in NYC Today
by BWW News Desk - Oct 22, 2013
Marking a major collaboration between two leading U.S. museums, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) announced today the joint acquisition of South African artist William Kentridge's major multimedia installation The Refusal of Time (2012).
Met Museum and SFMOMA Jointly Acquire Major William Kentridge Installation
by Rosie Hertzman - Oct 17, 2013
Marking a major collaboration between two leading U.S. museums, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) announced today the joint acquisition of South African artist William Kentridge's major multimedia installation The Refusal of Time (2012).