"My Name is not Actually Maria" is a multidisciplinary devised ensemble theater piece that seeks to investigating the phrase "and then I never saw them again." Using Craigslist missed connections ads and verbatim stories as source material, this piece blends movement, text, music, and technology to create a dream land of opportunities lost. It is a search for something that disappeared while your back was turned. Dreamy, ethereal and haunting, it is performed to a mix of contemporary music and soundscapes. The work is conceived by Allie Marotta and devised by Cucumber Dogs in association with Sitting Shotgun. It is co-facilitated by Marotta and Fernando Moya Delgado. Movement is directed by Delgado.
Sitting Shotgun Presents Commedia's Got TALENT!
Commedia's Got TALENT is a devised farce featuring characters from the Commedia dell 'Arte canon such as Pantalone, Brighella, Il Dottore and Zanni, and some lesser-used gems such as Pierrot, Colombina, and Peppe Nappa! Faced with a terrifying ultimatum, this cast of characters will have to pull themselves together in order to put on the variety show of their lives! We've got farce, physical comedy, fun, and Lazzi on Lazzi on Lazzi on LAZZI!!
Write Act Repertory's LILI MARLENE Extends Off-Broadway
Write Act Repertory's Producing Artistic Director John Lant and Producer Tamra Pica have announced the extension of the Off-Broadway East Coast premiere of LILI MARLENE, a new musical about a family's escape from the rising tide of Nazism, with book, music and lyrics by Michael Antin and directed and choreographed by Mark Blowers.