Birth Place: Barrington, RI, USA
Spalding Gray, Morning, Noon and Night
Spalding Gray , Gray's Anatomy
Spalding Grey, Monster in a Box
Spalding Gray, Swimming to Cambodia
Spalding GraySwimming to Cambodia
Spalding Gray has appeared on Broadway in 7 shows.
Spalding Gray has not appeared in the West End.
Outstanding Solo Performance (Drama Desk Awards) for Morning, Noon and Night, Outstanding One Person Show (Drama Desk Awards) for Gray's Anatomy, Outstanding One Person Show (Drama Desk Awards) for Monster in a Box, Outstanding Solo Performance (Drama Desk Awards) for Swimming to Cambodia and Special Citations (Obie Awards) for Swimming to Cambodia.
Spalding Gray has won the Outstanding Solo Performance award at the Drama Desk Awards for Morning, Noon and Night and received Special Citations at the Obie Awards for Swimming to Cambodia.
Spalding Gray has written 13 shows including Morning, Noon and Night (Playwright), Rumstick Road (Bookwriter/Composer/Lyricist), Rumstick Road (Author), Orchards (Adaptation), Spalding Gray: Terrors of Pleasure (Playwright), Spalding Gray: Sex and Death to the Age 14 (Playwright), Swimming to Cambodia (Playwright), Terrors of Pleasure (Playwright), Monster in a Box (Playwright), Monster in a Box (Playwright), Gray's Anatomy (Playwright), It's a Slippery Slope (Playwright), Interviewing the Audience (Creator).