WHEN SWALLOWS CRY Comes to The Drama Factory
by Stephi Wild - Jun 4, 2018
Nominated for six Naledi Awards When Swallows Cry interweaves three stories set in Africa, or about African migrants and refugees. One story features a Canadian teacher - initially assumed to be an American - who is captured by a group of bandits in a West African country. He is held for ransom to generate the funds required to develop the region in which he is held. A second story features two Zimbabwean teachers who flee the economic hardships of their country in a boat heading to Fiji where they will not require visas for at least three months. However, the boat ventures into Australian waters and they are held at a detention centre for illegal immigrants, and are threatened with immediate deportation to Zimbabwe. The third story tells of a Somalian who leaves his war-torn country for South Africa, only to experience brutal xenophobic violence that obliges him to seek refuge in America. He obtains a legitimate US visa but is hounded at the port of entry; one of his tormentors is an African America official, a descendant of African slaves, but whose job it is to prevent "undesirables" entering America, and threatening their security. These stories, featuring three actors playing contrasting characters in the three different playlets, are multi-layered and raise numerous themes about contemporary mobility. The stories comment on each other, not necessarily in sequence, but as a whole.
Music Theatre Group Hosts Music-Theatre Jam In DUMBO 4/9
by BWW
News Desk - Apr 9, 2011
In celebration of the company's 40th Anniversary, The Music-Theatre Group (Diane Wondisford, Producing Director) has announced plans for their "Music-Theatre Jam," a one-time-only happening featuring a treasure-trove of material from their past productions, to take place on Saturday, April 9th at 10 Jay Street, 9th Floor in DUMBO at 6:00 p.m.
Music Theatre Group Hosts Music-Theatre Jam In DUMBO 4/9
by Gabrielle Sierra - Mar 23, 2011
In celebration of the company's 40th Anniversary, The Music-Theatre Group (Diane Wondisford, Producing Director) has announced plans for their "Music-Theatre Jam," a one-time-only happening featuring a treasure-trove of material from their past productions, to take place on Saturday, April 9th at 10 Jay Street, 9th Floor in DUMBO at 6:00 p.m.