BWW Review: Taylor and Bologna's LOVE ALLWAYS Enjoys L.A. Premiere at Gray Studios
by Shari Barrett - Mar 27, 2017
Comprised of 10 short plays in 2 acts about the follies and foibles of love and lovers, LOVE ALLWAYS addresses the subjects of love and romance which have long provided great source material for comedy, created from the pens of two proven masters of American comedy. With busy careers in film, television and Broadway, Taylor and Bologna have defied the Hollywood odds with a marriage that's lasted 51 years (so far). And no doubt, many of the relationship stories shared must be of a very personal nature to them, or perhaps some of their closest friends!
BALLET CONCERTO: Pioneras del Ballet Clasico en Miami Se Retiran Despues de 55 Años
by Isabel D. Almaraz - Sep 22, 2016
Ballet Concerto en Miami, FL cerrara sus puertas despues de 55 años. Una de las escuelas de ballet clasico de mayor calidad en Miami, Ballet Concerto abrio sus puertas en 1961 y posteriormente fundo la primera compañia de ballet profesional en el sur de la Florida en 1964. La escuela produjo nombres reconocibles en el mundo de la danza, mas destacadamente Fernando Bujones, y la compañia creo un precedente para el ballet clasico en Miami al invitar a los mas extraordinarios artistas del ballet del siglo veinte al sur de la Florida por primera vez. Artistas invitados incluyeron a Rudolph Nureyev, Carla Fracci, Cynthia Gregory, Natalia Makarova, Ivan Nagy, Gelsey Kirkland y Alexander Gudonov para nombrar solo algunos. Ballet Concerto se conservara como una institucion clave en el desarrollo de las artes y la cultura en el sur de Florida, especialmente entre de la comunidad hispana. Las directoras Sonia Diaz y Martha del Pino, que se exiliaron del Ballet Nacional de Cuba, donde bailaron junto a Alicia Alonso y bajo la direccion de Fernando Alonso, implementaron y mantuvieron el plan de estudio riguroso que hoy en dia destaca al ballet clasico cubano. No hay duda de que el cierre de esta gran institucion deja un enorme vacio, sobre todo en el corazon de las tres generaciones que estudiaron y bailaron en Ballet Concerto y en la memoria de los que fueron testigo de la evolucion de las artes culturales en Miami entre los años sesenta y ochenta, cuando la escuela y compañia estaban en la cima.
Photo Coverage: Curtain Calls and Stage Door Fun at the Rockin' MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING At T.U. Studios
by Lily Lim - Sep 17, 2016
This production of Shakespeare's popular romantic comedy is enhanced by a rock-and-roll score. Much Ado About Nothing is set in Messina, Sicily. Beatrice, niece of the local governor Leonato, and Benedick, a gentleman and friend of the powerful Prince of Aragon Don Pedro, are seeming adversaries, engaging in much verbal jousting and argument. The antagonistic remarks fool neither the men nor the women in Don Pedro's court; Beatrice and Benedick are obviously meant for each other, even if their love isn't instantly apparent. Their friends conspire to trick them into confessing their love for each other.
BALLET CONCERTO: South Florida Classical Ballet Pioneers Retire After 55 Years
by Isabel D. Almaraz - Sep 15, 2016
Ballet Concerto School in Miami, FL will close after 55 years. One of the oldest and arguably one of the highest quality classical ballet schools in the region, Ballet Concerto opened its doors in 1961 and subsequently Miami's first professional ballet company, Ballet Concerto Company, in 1964. The school produced some recognizable names, most notably Fernando Bujones, and the company set a precedent for classical ballet in the area by bringing the most extraordinary ballet artists of the twentieth century to South Florida for the first time. Guest artists included Rudolph Nureyev, Carla Fracci, Cynthia Gregory, Natalia Makarova, Ivan Nagy, Gelsey Kirkland, and Alexander Gudonov to name a few. Ballet Concerto will be remembered as a key player in the development of arts and culture in South Florida, especially within the Hispanic community. Artistic Directors Sonia Diaz and Martha del Pino, who defected from Ballet Nacional de Cuba, where they danced alongside Alicia Alonso and under the direction of Fernando Alonso, implemented and maintained the rigorous classical curriculum that Cuban ballet has since become known for. There is no question of the void left by the closing of this Miami establishment, mostly in the heart of the three generations, and thousands of students who studied and danced at Ballet Concerto and in the memory of those who witnessed the evolution of the cultural arts in Miami between the 1960's and 1980's, when the school and company were at its peak.
Actors Theatre of Louisville Announces New Interns & Apprentices for 2015-16
by Tyler Peterson - Aug 13, 2015
Artistic Director Les Waters and Managing Director Jennifer Bielstein are proud to introduce the 2015-2016 Apprentice/Intern (A/I) Company. Each year, Actors Theatre of Louisville invites the most talented and highly motivated early-career theatre professionals in the nation to undertake a nine-month long training program that combines hands-on practical experience with educational seminars and professional guidance. Now in its 44th season, Actors Theatre's A/I Company is one of the oldest pre-professional training programs in the nation, and has built an incredible legacy of supporting the long-term vitality of American theatre through the mentorship and fostering of the best forthcoming talent in the field.