League of American Orchestras Forms Student Leadership Council
The League of American Orchestras has formed a Student Leadership Council, the first in the organization’s 81 years, to provide a platform for the League to better understand and integrate the voices of young people into its work and support the growth of student engagement within the orchestra field.
BWW Interview: Laura Reynolds of THE SAN DIEGO SYMPHONY at The Rady Shell And Jacobs Music Center
Can a symphony orchestra have a role in solving problems like homelessness and global warming? If you don't think so now, you might change your mind after a conversation with Laura Reynolds, the San Diego Symphony's recently appointed Vice President of Impact and Innovation. In 2015, while she was the Seattle Symphony VP of Education and Community Engagement, both the city and the county decided the increasing number of homeless people had reached a state of emergency. CEO Simon Woods asked her, 'What's our role in this? What should we do?''