Son of Semele Ensemble Announces FINAL EXTENSION of OUR CLASS to June 9
by Robert Diamond - Jun 5, 2013
Award-winning theatre company, Son of Semele Ensemble (SOSE), announces the final extension of the west coast premiere of Our Class, by Polish playwright Tadeusz S'obodzianek, in an English version by Ryan Craig. Directed by Matthew McCray, the critically- acclaimed production of Our Class will continue its run at the Atwater Village Theatre.
Son of Semele Ensemble Extends OUR CLASS at Atwater Village
by BWW News Desk - May 13, 2013
Award-winning theatre company, Son of Semele Ensemble (SOSE), has extended the west coast premiere of Our Class, by Polish playwright Tadeusz S?obodzianek, in an English version by Ryan Craig. Directed by Matthew McCray, the critically-acclaimed production of Our Class will continue its run at the Atwater Village Theatre, with performances resuming May 24.
Son of Semele Ensemble Opens West Coast Premiere of OUR CLASS Tonight
by BWW News Desk - Apr 6, 2013
Award-winning theatre company, Son of Semele Ensemble (SOSE), will present the west coast premiere of Our Class, by Polish playwright Tadeusz S?obodzianek, in an English version by Ryan Craig. Directed by Matthew McCray, Our Class opens April 6th at the Atwater Village Theatre.
Son of Semele Ensemble to Open West Coast Premiere of OUR CLASS, 4/6
by BWW News Desk - Mar 10, 2013
Award-winning theatre company, Son of Semele Ensemble (SOSE), will present the west coast premiere of Our Class, by Polish playwright Tadeusz S?obodzianek, in an English version by Ryan Craig. Directed by Matthew McCray, Our Class opens April 6th at the Atwater Village Theatre.
Son of Semele Presents WALLOWA: THE VANISHING OF MAUDE LERAY, Closes 5/8
by BWW News Desk - May 8, 2011
Award-winning theatre company Son of Semele Ensemble (SOSE) will present the world premiere of Wallowa: The Vanishing of Maude LeRay, a play written by Oliver Mayer in collaboration with the Company. The production will close at the Son of Semele Theater in Silver Lake on May 8, 2011. Wallowa is Son of Semele's first publically presented company devised work.