Shana Wride is a theatre actor and director. Acting credits include- 2.5 Minute Ride (Critic’s Circle Award) Baby with the Bathwater, The Further Adventures of Hedda Gabler, and Next Fall (Diversionary Theatre), Native Gardens (The Old Globe, Globe for All tour), Much Ado About Nothing (Intrepid Theatre), Private Lives (Critic’s Circle Award) at (Cygnet Theatre), Women Who Steal, A Christmas Carol, Suds, Working, Six Women with Brain Death (San Diego Repertory Theatre), A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night, Merry Wives of Windsor (Shakespeare Festival Los Angeles), The Father, The Cocktail Hour, Faded Glory and Broken Glass (North Coast Repertory Theatre), Indoor/Outdoor (The Colony Theatre), Macbeth, Fen, Wooden Breeks, Measure for Measure (Open Fist Theatre), Heidi Chronicles and Lips Together, Teeth Apart (Gaslamp Theatre), Henry IV Parts 1 & 2, Love’s Labor’s Lost (Idaho Shakespeare Festival), New, Shadowy Waters, No Time Like The Present (Sledgehammer Theatre). Directing credits include: The Whale, Mistakes Were Made (Cygnet Theatre), Walter Cronkite is Dead (San Diego Repertory Theatre), Boys & Girls and Anita Bryant Died for Your Sins (Diversionary Theatre), Or (Moxie Theatre) and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Compass Theatre). She co-hosted the nationally syndicated radio show, “Women Aloud” with actor/comedienne Mo Gaffney.