Theater for the New City's OPEN REHEARSAL Begins 1/19
by BWW
News Desk - Jan 19, 2012
'Open Rehearsal' by Lazarre Seymour Simckes, author of 'Seven Days of Mourning,' 'Ten Best Martyrs of the Year,' and 'Nossig's Antics,' is a Pirandellian farce in which a play about a chaotic family pretends to be just a chaotic rehearsal. The playwright is an award-winning author whose plays usually confront difficult questions of Jewish history with absurdist logic. This is his fourth production at Theater for the New City and his first time directing his own work.
Theater for the New City's OPEN REHEARSAL Begins 1/19
by Kelsey Denette - Dec 20, 2011
'Open Rehearsal' by Lazarre Seymour Simckes, author of 'Seven Days of Mourning,' 'Ten Best Martyrs of the Year,' and 'Nossig's Antics,' is a Pirandellian farce in which a play about a chaotic family pretends to be just a chaotic rehearsal. The playwright is an award-winning author whose plays usually confront difficult questions of Jewish history with absurdist logic. This is his fourth production at Theater for the New City and his first time directing his own work.
by BWW News Desk - Mar 16, 2009
For 35 years, Pulitzer Prize winning THEATER FOR THE NEW CITY has nurtured hundreds of playwrights through its EMERGING PLAYWRIGHTS PROGRAM. In June, 2006, we launched NEW CITY , NEW BLOOD, a play reading series designed to serve our audiences and writers even better. Curated by Michael Scott-Price, TNC Literary Manager, NEW CITY , NEW BLOOD will provide a hearing for worthy plays in earlier stages of Development. Audiences will get the opportunity to provide feedback, and artists will gain valuable insight from audience response. Be sure to check for details about upcoming readings. Please join us!
by Gabrielle Sierra - Mar 4, 2009
For 35 years, Pulitzer Prize winning THEATER FOR THE NEW CITY has nurtured hundreds of playwrights through its EMERGING PLAYWRIGHTS PROGRAM. In June, 2006, we launched NEW CITY , NEW BLOOD, a play reading series designed to serve our audiences and writers even better. Curated by Michael Scott-Price, TNC Literary Manager, NEW CITY , NEW BLOOD will provide a hearing for worthy plays in earlier stages of Development. Audiences will get the opportunity to provide feedback, and artists will gain valuable insight from audience response. Be sure to check for details about upcoming readings. Please join us!
NEW CITY, NEW BLOOD Allows Feedback For Developing Plays
by BWW News Desk - Feb 23, 2009
For 35 years, Pulitzer Prize winning THEATER FOR THE NEW CITY has nurtured hundreds of playwrights through its EMERGING PLAYWRIGHTS PROGRAM. In June, 2006, we launched NEW CITY , NEW BLOOD, a play reading series designed to serve our audiences and writers even better. Curated by Michael Scott-Price, TNC Literary Manager, NEW CITY , NEW BLOOD will provide a hearing for worthy plays in earlier stages of Development. Audiences will get the opportunity to provide feedback, and artists will gain valuable insight from audience response. Be sure to check for details about upcoming readings. Please join us!
NEW CITY, NEW BLOOD Allows Feedback For Developing Plays
by Gabrielle Sierra - Feb 3, 2009
For 35 years, Pulitzer Prize winning THEATER FOR THE NEW CITY has nurtured hundreds of playwrights through its EMERGING PLAYWRIGHTS PROGRAM. In June, 2006, we launched NEW CITY , NEW BLOOD, a play reading series designed to serve our audiences and writers even better. Curated by Michael Scott-Price, TNC Literary Manager, NEW CITY , NEW BLOOD will provide a hearing for worthy plays in earlier stages of Development. Audiences will get the opportunity to provide feedback, and artists will gain valuable insight from audience response. Be sure to check for details about upcoming readings. Please join us!