National Portrait Gallery Presents RAISE IT UP! AMERICA INNOVATES
by Matt Smith - Jun 11, 2015
Welcome new citizens and celebrate American innovation.
In the morning, we welcome new citizens in a Naturalization Ceremony in Flag Hall. Enjoy live performances by indie pop band Haerts and the presentation of the James Smithson Bicentennial Medal to scientist, educator, researcher, inventor and entrepreneur Sebastian Thrun.
NBC News Premieres Online Series SCIENCE OF INNOVATION
by Tyler Peterson - Feb 11, 2013
From Thomas Edison's light bulb to Wilbur and Orville Wright's flying machine, inventors and inventions transform the way we communicate, travel and live our daily lives--thanks to the creative process of innovation. That process is highlighted in an educational video series released today.
Photo Flash: Meet the Cast of BEN HUR LIVE
by Nicole Rosky - Sep 16, 2011
A press conference was just held in Cologne, Germany for the live staging of the specacle 'Ben Hur Live.'Ben Hur will play at Lanxess Arena on 10 and 11 December. Photo: Henning Kaiser
Photo Credit: © Henning Kaiser/DPA/