Luciana Achugar Will Perform PURO TEATRO at The Chocolate Factory Theater
by Stephi Wild - Oct 19, 2021
The Chocolate Factory Theater presents the world premiere of PURO TEATRO: a Spell for Utopia, a new performance by choreographer/performer luciana achugar, co-commissioned with NYU Skirball Center For The Performing Arts and Portland Institute For Contemporary Art (PICA).
The Epstein Theatre Announces January Lineup
by Stephi Wild - Jan 3, 2020
Liverpool's Epstein Theatre is seeing in the new year with an action-packed month of theatre entertainment, live music, tributes and classic comedy, including live acoustic music from Turin Brakes, a celebration of the musical talents of The Carpenters, The Eagles, Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly and Elvis and the return of Phoenix Nights' paranomal sensation Clinton Baptiste!