Photo Coverage: Meet the Cast of the JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR National Tour
by Genevieve Rafter Keddy - Sep 12, 2019
Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice's iconic musical, Jesus Christ Superstar will officially launch the 50th anniversary tour at Austin's Bass Concert Hall on October 8th through the 13th before visiting over 30 cities including Los Angeles, Denver, Nashville, Dallas and Chicago.
JAW: A Playwrights Festival Full Schedule Announced
by A.A. Cristi - Jul 14, 2017
The 19th annual JAW: A Playwrights Festival is Portland's chance to preview spanking new scripts while they're still in development, enjoy a host of Press Play performances and dig deeper with Community Artist Labs presented by JAW featured artists. The JAW Big Weekend is July 28-30 in various locations at The Armory. JAW is always FREE and open to the public. More information about JAW is available at