Monday Luncheon at the Cultural Council Will Feature Palm Beach Interior Designer Gil Walsh
by A.A. Cristi - Mar 16, 2017
The Cultural Council of Palm Beach County's "It's What You See" luncheons are always fascinating, and Monday's gathering will be no exception. Designer Steven Stolman will interview Palm Beach interior designer Gil Walsh about integrating fine art with interior design. Walsh, known for her masterful use of color and deep knowledge of classical design, is the ideal authority to address the theme of Monday's event, "Art as the Informer: Fine Art and Interior Design." The ticketed event benefits the Council's education programs.
Little Theatre of Norfolk to Present 9 TO 5, Begin. Today
by BWW
News Desk - Sep 6, 2013
Little Theatre of Norfolk, one of the countries 'oldest continuously running' community theatres in the nation presents a Hampton Roads Premiere of 9 to 5 from Sept. 6-29. Two years ago after this 86 year old theatre serving a community (largely of Military Families) ventured on a new quest after it's 250,000 face lift. Beginning last year with The Full Monty and then Avenue Q this season opens with 9 to 5 and followed shortly there after with Next to Normal.
Little Theatre of Norfolk to Present 9 TO 5, Begin. 9/6
by Tyler Peterson - Aug 16, 2013
Little Theatre of Norfolk, one of the countries 'oldest continuously running' community theatres in the nation presents a Hampton Roads Premiere of 9 to 5 from Sept. 6-29. Two years ago after this 86 year old theatre serving a community (largely of Military Families) ventured on a new quest after it's 250,000 face lift. Beginning last year with The Full Monty and then Avenue Q this season opens with 9 to 5 and followed shortly there after with Next to Normal.