Interview: Theatre Life with Stephen Cole
by Elliot Lanes - Jun 2, 2024
Today’s subject Stephen Cole is an accomplished lyricist, performer, and book writer. You can now add novelist to that already impressive list of accomplishments. Stephen Cole’s latest literary endeavor takes us back to the Golden Age of Broadway with his first novel entitled Mary & Ethel…and Mikey Who?. The book is now available everywhere for purchase in both hardcover and digital versions.
TN Shakespeare Co. Stages TWELFTH NIGHT Salon
by A.A. Cristi - Feb 9, 2021
Tennessee Shakespeare Company completes its season-long Dr. Greta McCormick Coger Literary Salon Series on Friday, February 26 at 8:00 pm (CST) with an exploration of William Shakespeare's celebratory comedy, Twelfth Night.
Rothkin & Michaels to Stage TEN TALES OF TERROR
by Matt Sowell - Oct 2, 2014
Producers Andrew Rothkin and Jay Michaels have come together to produce a series of scary plays befitting the season. This trick or treat bag is filled with prominent artists, guest directors, and premieres. Joseph Koch of Manhattan's memorabilia haven Forbidden Planet and Brooklyn's Warehouse of Wonder (more than 1,000,000 comic books and other memorabilia) is supplying vintage giveaways and prizes. Illustrator Songe Riddle created original poster artwork for the event... 'alas poor... Yorick?'
About Jim Dale: Shakespearean Clowns
by Roundabout Theatre Company - Jul 2, 2014
Jim Dale's career as an actor grew out of his success as a music hall performer and musician. He put those music hall skills as a wit, singer, musician, and physical comedian to work in performances of William Shakespeare's many clowns and fools.