BWW Review: TATUS (THE DADDY) at Teatr Polski Wroclaw - I want more!
by Natalia Jarczynska - Nov 4, 2019
Do you still remember how it was to opening an envelope with developed photos from an event that had happened long time before? It's the same when you go to see a play inspired by one of your favorite movies: you never know if it will be that good as you remembered.
You will be pleased or mad. I was mad. Because it was too short - Seb, please: I wanted more!
VTA Announces Summer Cool Films Series
by BWW
News Desk - Jul 8, 2017
Victoria Theatre Association's announces the 2017 Summer Cool Films Series line-up running July 8-August 28, plus titles for Reel Late at the Vic late night movies and daytime Family Films! Passbooks for the series are on sale now at Ticket Center Stage. Call (937) 228-3630, toll free (888) 228-3630 or purchase online at
Olivia de Havilland is Suing Ryan Murphy Over Portrayal of Her on FEUD
by Julie Musbach - Jul 2, 2017
Olivia de Havilland, golden age silver screen star may be 101 years old but she's still around and keeping an eye on pop culture. The New York Times reports that Ms. de Havilland has filed suit against Ryan Murphy, accusing him of falsely representing her on his series FEUD: BETTE AND JOAN.
VTA Announces Summer Cool Films Series
by A.A. Cristi - May 23, 2017
Victoria Theatre Association's announces the 2017 Summer Cool Films Series line-up running July 8-August 28, plus titles for Reel Late at the Vic late night movies and daytime Family Films! Passbooks for the series are on sale now at Ticket Center Stage. Call (937) 228-3630, toll free (888) 228-3630 or purchase online at
FX Networks Announces Premiere Dates for FEUD, THE AMERICANS & ARCHER
by Caryn Robbins - Jan 12, 2017
FX Networks has set the premiere dates for Ryan Murphy's highly anticipated, star-studded limited series FEUD: Bette and Joan, the new season of the critically-acclaimed and award-winning drama series The Americans, and the eighth season of the Emmy(R) Award Winning animated comedy series Archer.
BWW Reviews: Max & Louie Productions' Brilliant THE KILLING OF SISTER GEORGE
by Chris Gibson - Jul 16, 2015
If you've seen director Robert Aldrich's 1968 film version of THE KILLING OF SISTER GEORGE you're probably going to be greatly surprised when you see the actual play it was based on (written by Frank Marcus). The film was initially rated 'X' due to the era in which it was released, as well as the inclusion of a two minute sequence that's much more titillating than anything present in the original work itself. But, things are different these days. Television shows broadcast during what used to be referred to as the 'family hour' are far more racy with their content and dialog than anything you'll encounter watching Max & Louie Productions' superb staging of this play. Marcus crafted a brilliant, pitch black comedic farce that may have just been a bit too subtle for the motion picture industry, which, at the time, was just beginning to explore alternative lifestyles in a more graphic fashion. The film is good, but the play is much better. See it for yourself. It's required viewing as far as I'm concerned.
BWW Interviews: Actor Bruce Davison Talks About His Role in Coward's A SONG AT TWILIGHT
by Don Grigware - Mar 27, 2014
Actor Bruce Davison certainly needs no introduction. He has starred on stage, screen and television in a multitude of complex roles over the last almost 50 years. He is most remembered for his early film Willard in the 60s and his stunning Oscar-nominated role in Longtime Companion from the early 90s. Davison is currently onstage in Noel Coward's A Song at Twilight at the Pasadena Playhouse, co-starring Sharon Lawrence and Roxanne Hart. In our chat, he talks about his wonderful role in the Coward play and other fascinating career tidbits.
Japan Society Presents A TRIBUTE TO DONALD RICHIE (1924-2013), PART 2, Beg. Today
by Movies News Desk - Mar 13, 2014
This spring Japan Society continues to honor the late Donald Richie, whose criticism, commentary and advocacy contributed incomparably toward making Japanese art and culture, especially its cinema, revered throughout the world. As the second and final leg of the ongoing series, again curated by noted film scholar Kyoko Hirano, A Tribute to Donald Richie (1924-2013), Part 2: Richie's Electric Eight: The Bold & the Daring encompasses eight films that reflect the complexity, nuance, and brilliance of Japanese society, as seen through Richie's unflinching and insatiable eye.
Japan Society to Present A TRIBUTE TO DONALD RICHIE (1924-2013), PART 2, Beg. 3/13
by Diana Heisroth - Feb 27, 2014
This spring Japan Society continues to honor the late Donald Richie, whose criticism, commentary and advocacy contributed incomparably toward making Japanese art and culture, especially its cinema, revered throughout the world. As the second and final leg of the ongoing series, again curated by noted film scholar Kyoko Hirano, A Tribute to Donald Richie (1924-2013), Part 2: Richie's Electric Eight: The Bold & the Daring encompasses eight films that reflect the complexity, nuance, and brilliance of Japanese society, as seen through Richie's unflinching and insatiable eye.