LOCO7 Presents IN RETROSPECT At La MaMa Puppet Series 11/12-28
by BWW
News Desk - Nov 28, 2010
With its newest production, 'In Retrospect,' the LOCO7 Dance Puppet Theatre Company, led by Federico Restrepo, investigates how we each construct our personal memory box: how we keep our memories fresh and preserve the things that made us who we are.
LOCO7 Presents IN RETROSPECT At La MaMa Puppet Series 11/12-28
by BWW
News Desk - Nov 12, 2010
With its newest production, 'In Retrospect,' the LOCO7 Dance Puppet Theatre Company, led by Federico Restrepo, investigates how we each construct our personal memory box: how we keep our memories fresh and preserve the things that made us who we are.
LOCO7 Presents IN RETROSPECT At La MaMa Puppet Series 11/12-28
by Gabrielle Sierra - Oct 8, 2010
With its newest production, 'In Retrospect,' the LOCO7 Dance Puppet Theatre Company, led by Federico Restrepo, investigates how we each construct our personal memory box: how we keep our memories fresh and preserve the things that made us who we are.