New Horror Anthology OUT OF THE SHADOWS to be Released
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Dec 2, 2021
A new horror anthology: 'Out of the Shadows,' published by Red Cape Publishing, Danni Winn, and Donovan 'Monster' Smith, coming to Amazon: December 17. Proceeds benefit Mulligan's Manor, an independent, non-profit home embracing young, at-risk, LGBTQ+ residents who have been abused, neglected, or displaced.
Negro Ensemble Presents IMMINENTLY YOURS By Karimah
by A.A. Cristi - May 16, 2019
Dorothi Fox and Arthur French will star in the premiere of 'Imminently Yours' by Karimah, to be presented by The Negro Ensemble Company (NEC) from June 17 to 30 at Theatre 80, 80 St. Marks Place. The play deals with the socio/philosophical issues of expropriation of their land and history by eminent domain in today's politics. A secret mountain enclave has been inhabited for centuries by descendants of slaves. When its tradition of secrecy is breached by a millenial resident, the remote hamlet is discovered by the state's governor, who aims to evict its elderly residents by eminent domain for nonpayment of taxes, but underestimates the savvy community there. The play depicts an antagonistic society pitted against elders who are peacefully reliving their history. Generations ban together as they learn the past, teach the present and fight for their legacy. Count Stovall directs.