Garden State Film Festival Announces Virtual Victory and Award Winners
The Garden State Film Festival (GSFF) presented more than 240 independent films to +15,000 viewers virtually through parallel and dynamic digital streaming in light of the global COVID-19 crisis, and the announcement from the Governor of the State of New Jersey further restricting public gatherings.
The Segal Center Announces Spring Season
The Martin E. Segal Theatre Center, located at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, announces its Spring 2018 season of public programs. The season features free public programs throughout the fall and winter, with contemporary theatre and performing artists from around the world.
Richard Gough to Explore the Future of Global Dramaturgyat CUNY
Join scholar, author, and editor Richard Gough as he explores and anticipates the future of global dramaturgy. Gough will discuss changes in international dramaturgical practice, why we should be interested in it, what new ways of research might look like, and the pitfalls are that might arise. Followed by a discussion with Peter Eckersall.