Review - The Full Monty: Who The Hell Is Margie Hart?
by Kristin Salaky - Jun 21, 2009
One of the unique and cherished aspects of the musical theatre is how the preceding plot and character development can allow a musical moment to achieve ethereal heights that establish a triumvirate of joyful feeling between audience, performer and character. Take, for example, Amalia Balash's dizzying high note at the end of 'Vanilla Ice Cream,' which is not just a showy moment for the actress playing the role, but a release of amazed emotions caused by a simple act of kindness. Or the wacky exuberance of the impromptu tango that follows Eliza Doolittle's mastery of the proper pronunciation of an Iberian precipitation phenomenon.
Wilcox, Rupert, Colella & More Join Paper Mill's THE FULL MONTY Cast
by Robert Diamond - May 1, 2009
Paper Mill Playhouse (Mark S. Hoebee-Artistic Director, Mark W. Jones-Executive Director) is proud to announce casting for The Full Monty. Directed by Mark S. Hoebee and choreographed by Denis Jones, The Full Monty will run at the Millburn theatre from June 10 through July 12, 2009.
Irish Rep's BEOWULF Extends Through November 27
by BWW News Desk - Oct 25, 2005
The Irish Repertory Theatre (132 West 22nd Street) has extended their production of BEOWULF until November 27th. There will be no performance on November 24th, Thanksgiving Day.