BWW Review: CATF NOT MEDEA Is a Deeply Imaginative and Powerful Piece of Theater
by Johnna Leary - Jul 19, 2016
The 2016 CATF mission statement lists their vision as 'The Ultimate Theater Experience', and Not Medea, one of the five plays in rotating rep at the festival, completely satisfies this expectation. A highly creative and completely immersive theatrical experience, Not Medea is brilliantly written by Allison Gregory and expertly directed by Courtney Sale.
BWW Review: Comparing Small Things To Great: NOT MEDEA at CATF
by Jack L. B. Gohn - Jul 12, 2016
The great legends and myths have their roots in common human experience. Yet it is not always obvious which experience gives rise to them. Take the myth of Medea, the sorceress who aided the hero Jason and who, when Jason cast her aside to make a politically expedient marriage, murdered their two sons. Only part of the story is commonplace: the part about Medea being cast aside. We all know (if we are not ourselves) women (and men) whose spouses have deserted them and left them heartbroken. Few of us, however, know parents, and especially mothers, who have murdered their children for that reason. Nor is it fair to trace the roots of the myth to occasional feelings of 'wanting to kill' Junior; those feelings are seldom serious to begin with, and almost always transient.
Photo Flash: First Look at James Taylor in Berkshire Thetare Group's A CHRISTMAS CAROL
by Nicole Rosky - Dec 22, 2011
Berkshire Theatre Group Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, adapted by Eric Hill and presented for the first time at The Colonial Theatre. Revel in the joy and redemptive power of Christmas as told in the timeless tale of Ebenezer Scrooge, the infamous miser who is reformed and shown the error of his ways by four spirits. Journey back to Victorian England and experience the classic story filled with terrific turns and infused with holiday music. Check out photos from the production below!
Photo Flash: Berkshire Theatre Group's A Christmas Carol
by Gabrielle Sierra - Dec 22, 2011
Berkshire Theatre Group hosts the reprise of their annual community production of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, adapted by Eric Hill and presented for the first time at The Colonial Theatre.
James Taylor to Star in Berkshire Theatre Group's A CHRISTMAS CAROL,
by Nicole Rosky - Nov 11, 2011
Berkshire Theatre Group is pleased to announce the reprise of our annual community production of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, adapted by Eric Hill and presented for the first time at The Colonial Theatre. Revel in the joy and redemptive power of Christmas as told in the timeless tale of Ebenezer Scrooge, the infamous miser who is reformed and shown the error of his ways by four spirits. Journey back to Victorian England and experience the classic story filled with terrific turns and infused with holiday music.