John Dellroy Band Mixes Genres and Crosses Countries
by Courtnie Mele - Jul 2, 2014
When the John Dellroy Band cranks it up on stage, audiences are treated to a melodic onslaught. 'We rock, but with folk and electronic influences, and the melodies are designed to let you hum along immediately and even sing with us after you hear the hook just a couple of times,' states lead vocalist John Dellroy.
Moving Image Presents THE COMPLETE HOWARD HAWKS Retrospective, Now thru 11/10
by Movies News Desk - Sep 7, 2013
Howard Hawks, the quintessential Hollywood director known for his mastery of many genres, will be the subject of a complete retrospective at Museum of the Moving Image from today, September 7 through November 10, 2013. The Museum will present 39 features. All of the films will be shown in 35mm-many in stunning restorations-except for Red Line 7000, which will be shown in 16mm.
Moving Image to Present THE COMPLETE HOWARD HAWKS Retrospective, 9/7-11/10
by Movies News Desk - Aug 16, 2013
Howard Hawks, the quintessential Hollywood director known for his mastery of many genres, will be the subject of a complete retrospective at Museum of the Moving Image from September 7 through November 10, 2013. The Museum will present 39 features. All of the films will be shown in 35mm-many in stunning restorations-except for Red Line 7000, which will be shown in 16mm.