Juilliard Historical Performance Announces 2017-18 Season
by A.A. Cristi - Jul 17, 2017
Juilliard Historical Performance, the school's graduate-level, full-tuition scholarship program for early music, enters its ninth performance season with a full schedule of concerts, tours, residencies, and master classes anchored by performances from its primary period-instrument ensemble, Juilliard415, and a roster of distinguished guests artists. The 2017-18 season will feature appearances by Harry Bicket, William Christie, Jonathan Cohen, Richard Egarr, Nicholas McGegan, Robert Mealy, Lionel Meunier, Rachel Podger, Shunske Sato, Stephen Stubbs, Masaaki Suzuki, and vocal ensembles Vox Luminis and Yale Schola Cantorum.
Violinist Robert Mealy to Lead Juilliard415 in 'TERPSICHORE' at Alice Tully Hall
by Tyler Peterson - Mar 24, 2016
Violinist Robert Mealy, director of Juilliard Historical Performance, leads Juilliard's period-instrument ensemble Juilliard415 in a program featuring Baroque dance entitled'Terpsichore: A Baroque Dance Mix,' on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, at 7:30pm in Alice Tully Hall. Joining Juilliard415 will be professional Baroque dancers: Caroline Copeland, Carlos Fittante, Alexis Silver, and Andrew Trego, in period choreography reconstructed by Caroline Copeland and Carlos Fittante, and students from Juilliard Dance: Alysia Johnson, Eoin Robinson, My'kal Stromile, and Peter Farrow, in modern choreography by Peter Farrow.