Review: GUYS AND DOLLS at Drury Lane Theatre, Oakbrook Terrace
The number of sinners at the mission impresses General Cartwright (Heidi Kettenring in another comedic gem), especially Big Jule (KC McNeil in his Drury debut). As Adelaide and Nathan are trying to leave to get married, the mission band arrives with its new leader Sky Masterson. He and Sarah were married at the mission by Sarah’s grandfather, Arvide (Gene Weygandt). In front of all the guys and dolls, Nathan and Adelaide are married to the delight of the assembled group of Runyon’s Broadway characters.
Primeras imágenes de Pepe Nufrio en GUYS AND DOLLS
Acaban de publicarse en las primeras imágenes de la nueva producción de Drury Lane Theatre del clásico musical GUYS AND DOLLS estrenado en Chicago el pasado 10 de abril, en la que el actor español Pepe Nufrio interpreta a Sky.
Cast Set for GUYS AND DOLLS at Drury Lane Theatre
Drury Lane Theatre has revealed the cast for its first show of the 2024/2025 season, Guys and Dolls, making its return to Chicagoland’s professional stage after over a decade! See who is starring and learn how to purchase tickets.
Kate Baldwin & Aaron Lazar, Linda Eder, and More to Play 54 Below This Month
Next month, 54 BELOW, Broadway's Supper Club & Private Event Destination, presents some of the brightest stars from Broadway, cabaret, jazz, and beyond. A recipient of the 2022 Tony Awards Honor for Excellence in the Theatre, 54 Below celebrates Broadway musicals and writers of the past and present, promoting an ongoing engagement with their work.