Dinner, Drama, and The Dead: The Return of an Irish Masterpiece
The Dead, 1904 is an immersive, theatrical adaptation of James Joyce’s novella “The Dead,” originally published in his Dubliners collection. Acclaimed literary couple Paul Muldoon and Jean Hanff Korelitz have brought this work to life with Irish Repertory Theatre for the fourth time this winter at the American Irish Historical Society.
Review Roundup: THE DEAD, 1904 at the Irish Rep
Next up at the Irish Repertory Theatre is The Dead, 1904, the immersive adaptation of James Joyce’s classic story. Adapted by the Pulitzer Prize-winning Irish poet Paul Muldoon and novelist Jean Hanff Korelitz, it is directed by Irish Rep co-founder Ciarán O’Reilly. Check out what the critics are saying about the new revival!
Úna Clancy Joins THE DEAD, 1904 at Irish Rep
The Dead, 1904, the immersive adaptation of James Joyce’s classic story, has announced a change in casting. Estelle Parsons has departed the production due to personal conflicts. “Aunt Kate” will be played by Irish actress Úna Clancy.
The Cecilia Chorus of New York Performs World Premiere of Daron Hagen's EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE and Ralph Vaughan Williams' DONA NOBIS PACEM
The Cecilia Chorus of New York presents the World Premiere of Daron Hagen’s Everyone, Everywhere and Ralph Vaughan Williams's Dona Nobis Pacem at Carnegie Hall. Soloists include Brianna Robinson, Amanda Lynn Bottoms, and Shavon Lloyd. Participating choruses and special introductions by UN representatives. The program celebrates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Visit Daron Hagen's website for more information. Tickets available at Carnegie Hall's website or by calling CarnegieCharge. Visit Cecilia Chorus of New York's website or call for more concert details.
Duologue Festival Debuts in September
Violin duo Miolina is excited to present the first ever Duologue Festival, celebrating NYC's best duos. The festival runs Thursday and Friday evenings, September 28-29, 2023, at 7PM.
Irish Arts Center Unveils Exciting Lineup for Fall 2023 Season
Explore the rich and diverse world of Irish arts and culture at Irish Arts Center's Fall 2023 season. From mesmerizing performances to thought-provoking exhibitions, immerse yourself in the magic of Ireland's creative spirit. Don't miss out on this exciting lineup of events and experiences.