Bijou Theatre to Open Unconventional Crime Stories Series with KISS KISS BANG BANG, 1/11
by Tyler Peterson - Jan 2, 2015
The Bijou Theatre will present the Unconventional Crime Stories Series with Patrick McCord, PhD. of “Write Yourself Free.” Continuing on the success of the Unconventional Love Stories Series, this series features five crime-related films. Patrick will guide you through the intimate details of each film giving you insight into the writer and director's process as well as showing you some of the hidden wit within each movie.
UNCONVENTIONAL LOVE STORIES Film Series Set for Bijou Theatre
by Tyler Peterson - Sep 5, 2014
The Bijou Theatre is teaming up with Patrick McCord, PhD and Write Yourself Free to present a unique film series taking place the second Sunday of the month at 5:00pm throughout the Fall. The series opens Sunday, September 14th at 5:00pm with “The Great Beauty.” Tickets are $15.