Humbird Announces Full-Length Album 'Right On'
by Michael Major - Feb 1, 2024
Produced by Shane Leonard and featuring regular contributors Pat Keen (bass, synth, percussion) and Pete Quirsfeld (drums and percussion), Right On was tracked live to tape over the course of two muggy weeks in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. The majority of the songs showcase the locked-in rock trio, a progression from the contemplative folk.
Her Crooked Heart Announces New Album TO LOVE TO LEAVE TO LIVE, Set for Release 5/31
by Tori Hartshorn - Mar 22, 2019
Minneapolis-based, genre-melding Her Crooked Heart is releasing the anticipated debut full-length To Love To Leave To Live on May 31st. Led by acclaimed songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Rachel Ries, the record illustrates her journey of building a new life from the ground up; working through a divorce, leaving behind the life she once knew, and finding love again within herself, her family, and her home.
The Kansas City Ballet Announces New Artistic Staff and Company Members
by BWW News Desk - Sep 4, 2014
Kansas City Ballet Artistic Director Devon Carney today announced the appointment of three new members of the artistic staff: Grace Holmes as the new Director of Kansas City Ballet School, Kristi Capps as the new Ballet Master and Anthony Krutzkamp as newly created position of Manager of KCB II. Carney also announced eleven new members of the Company, increasing the Company from 28 to 29 members for the 2014-2015 season. He also announced the appointment of four new KCB II dancers, which stands at six members. Carney also announced the creation of a Trainee Program with five students, two selected from Kansas City Ballet School.