by Sherry Shameer Cohen - Apr 24, 2024
A recent article in The New York Times reported that high school theater is suffering because some parents and town bigwigs are putting pressure on administrators not to produce plays that may offend some people. Some people, being strait-laced, narrow-minded people. Fortunately, Stamford is populated by highly educated, highly diverse people who are open to new things and new ideas, so when it comes to high school theater, almost anything goes, and it goes spectacularly.
FRANKAS MONSTER Opens at Dramaten This Week
by Stephi Wild - Apr 19, 2024
Frank är fullkomlig, nästan. Inget annat barn är som han. I alla fall inte enligt Frank själv. Och han är trött på att vara barn, han vill gärna själv skaffa någon att ta hand om. Någon som är precis lika förträfflig och unik som han. Men den nya skapelsen – som får namnet Franka – gör inte som han vill. Frank har skapat ett monster!
Laibach Share Two Track Single 'Opus Dei Live 1987-1989 PT. 1'
by Josh Sharpe - Apr 15, 2024
LAIBACH has released a new two-track single, “Opus Dei Live 1987 - 1989 pt.1”, featuring two unreleased live recordings: “Leben heisst Leben (Opus Dei)” Live from London, Queen Elizabeth Hall, 1987 and “F.I.A.T. (Let It Be)” Live from Paris, Espace Ornano, 1992. Both tracks are from the expanded edition of their 1987 album, Opus Dei, which is set to be released digitally on Mute on May 10, 2024. Listen to the tracks here!
Tisch New Theatre Will Present ALICE BY HEART This Month
by Blair Ingenthron - Apr 6, 2024
Tisch New Theatre's production of Alice by Heart will take place at Theater for the New City from April 26th - April 28th, 2024. Directed by Juliette Markman, Choreographed by Erin Amstein, Music Direction by Chelsea Melnick, and Produced by Leah Frantz, this adaptation of Alice by Heart asks the question: can we ever truly escape our reality?
Neil Young With Crazy Horse Announces 'Fu##In' Up'
by Michael Major - Feb 15, 2024
The Crazy Horse lineup on FU##IN' UP includes Billy Talbot (bass, vocal), Ralph Molina (drums, vocal), Micah Nelson (guitar, vocal, piano), Nils Lofgren (guitar, vocal, piano) and Neil Young (guitar, vocal, harmonica). The sounds these five musicians achieve cannot be predicted, and allow an element of sonic surprise.
Atlantic for Kids' EL OTRO OZ Extends Through March 3
by Stephi Wild - Feb 5, 2024
Atlantic for Kids has announced an extension for the new bi-lingual musical El Otro Oz, with a book by Mando Alvarado and Tommy Newman, music & lyrics by Jaime Lozano and Tommy Newman, choreography by Alessandra Valea, and directed by Melissa Crespo.
HAMIYET MUZIKALI Comes to Zorlu PSM in March
by Stephi Wild - Jan 11, 2024
Bir işçi mahallesinde iki çocuğu ve kocasıyla yaşayan Hamiyet, yoksul ve yorgun hayatına, bambaşka bir hayal dünyasına sığınarak katlanabilmektedir. O dünyada Hamiyet, önemli ve değerli biridir, bir müzik grubunun hem söz yazarı hem gözbebeğidir. O anlarda özgürce şarkılarını söyler, dans eder ve en önemlisi asla yalnız hissetmez.
Auliʻi Cravalho Joins QUEERING THE GALA to Joe's Pub
by Stephi Wild - Jan 4, 2024
RING OF KEYS has announced taht Auliʻi Cravalho will join QUEERING THE GALA to Joe’s Pub. Queering the Gala: a benefit for Ring of Keys will take place on Monday, January 29, at 9:30pm at Joe’s Pub in New York and streaming worldwide.