BWW Review: SEND ME NO FLOWERS Lulls Audiences in Leander, TX
by Amy Bradley - Jan 27, 2017
Now playing at Way Off Broadway Community Players Theatre, SEND ME NO FLOWERS is the third show in this community theatre's platinum season. Twenty years ago, with the spark of a Library fundraiser in mind, a cast of community players came together in Leander Texas to perform for the betterment of their community. Now celebrating their 20th season, their longevity is an artistic feat their passionate contributors take pride in. SEND ME NO FLOWERS, mostly known for its cinematic success starring Doris Day and Rock Hudson, was first performed on stage in 1960. Writers Norman Barasch and Carroll Moore received modest reviews along with this shows initial 40 performances. Their hilarious story of the Kimball's did not see major success until the cinematic rendition by Julius J Epstein, brought this American comedy to the big screen. George Kimball (locally played by Bill Craig) is the picture of health to anyone you ask, except him. Living day to day as a functioning hypochondriac, George lives happily with his wife Judy Kimball (played by Tracy Cathey) in their quant 1950's neighborhood in Westchester New York. In a scene of happenstance, George overhears his physician speaking about a fatally ill patient, and in this misunderstanding, believes the sick party to be himself. The story of the Kimball's navigating this hilarious premiss continues over three acts, with the choices and stakes trading between Mr. and Mrs. Kimball scene to scene.