Almost Adults' LGBTQ+ Online Short Play Series Continues
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Sep 16, 2020
The next event for the Almost Adults Productions ongoing LGBTQ+ Online Short Play Reading Series is Sunday, September 27th at 3:00 MT. NOTE EARLY START TIME THIS MONTH IN RESPECT FOR THOSE WHO OBSERVE YOM KIPPUR.
BWW Interview: Jennifer Graves and Patrick Briggs of ROMEO AND JULIET at Santa Fe Classic Theater
by Zoe Burke - Mar 20, 2019
When a group of actors with a passion for the classics (who already have a plan for a theater) are presented with the opportunity to present outdoor Shakespeare in what is arguably one of the loveliest venues in Santa Fe, they just have to go for it; even if it means putting together a large scale production of one of Shakespeare's most well known and beloved works in fewer than six months.
The ISC Finds Cast for KING LEAR At The Adobe Rose Theatre
by Julie Musbach - Aug 20, 2018
The International Shakespeare Center (ISC) presents Shakespeare's King Lear September 14 through 30 (Fridays and Saturdays, 7 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m. matinee) at the Adobe Rose Theatre, 1213 Parkway Drive, Santa Fe.