Review: THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNUM COUNTY SPELLING BEE at Kennedy CenterThe latest entry into Kennedy Center’s Broadway Center Stage series is the crowd pleasing quirky musical by William Finn (Music and Lyrics) and Rachel Sheinkin (Book) known as The 25th Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee. The 2005 musical also features additional material by Jay Reiss. See what our critic had to say.
Video: Kennedy Center's 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE PreviewIt's a marvelous memory if you win the spelling bee. It's also a marvelous memory if you see the Spelling Bee! Up next at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is William Finn and Rachel Sheinkin's The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Watch clips of three songs in rehearsals in this video!
Finalists Selected for National Songbook AcademyFrom hundreds of applicants nationwide, 40 high school students from 14 states have been selected to participate in this year’s Songbook Academy®, aweeklong summer intensive that immerses young performers in America’s musical heritage and helps them develop as artists under the guidance of Broadway stars and other entertainment professionals and music educators.