Review: THE HEART SELLERS at Aurora Theatre Company
by Kelly Rogers Flynt - Feb 14, 2025
Without flash or bang, without glitter or glam, but with truth and beauty, THE HEART SELLERS will steal your heart. It is a simple story with a simple set, and only two actors, but the show makes an impact that will resonate for some time. Both laughter and tears flow freely in this magic mix of a show. Starting a new life in a strange, new place is a topic that never ceases to provide new insights into the human spirit. From the fascination with the new to the longing for faces and places of the past, THE HEART SELLERS reminds us how much we are really all alike.
Review: THE HEART SELLERS at Capital Stage is a Poignant Look at Friendship and Courage
by Courtney Symes - Oct 23, 2024
Admittedly, I have a soft spot for stories about the Asian-American experience. Korea, in particular, has always fascinated me. When I was growing up, I heard my mother’s stories about her life in Korea and the challenges she encountered as an immigrant to the United States. My grandmother’s hardships were worse. Entering the United States as an adult was a culture shock. A new language, different customs, and a life that was completely unrecognizable from the one she had known for thirty years took a toll. I wish I had listened more and asked more questions. She was lonely and yearned for companionship with someone who understood her unique position, much like the two characters in Lloyd Suh’s poignant take on friendship, The Heart Sellers. Its Northern California premiere is happening now at Capital Stage, after which it will then go on to two other Bay Area theatres in a triple co-production.
Review: THE GLASS MENAGERIE at SF Playhouse
by Steve Murray - May 9, 2024
Tom Wingfield opens Tennessee William’s haunting memory play with this admonition: “Yes, I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you the illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion.” What follows in this stunning production is a sometimes surreal, always emotionally devastating remembrance of a broken family teetering on the edges of disillusion and the hope of salvation.
TheatreWorks to Present MRS. CHRISTIE West Coast Premiere
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Aug 23, 2023
Join TheatreWorks for the West Coast Premiere of 'Mrs. Christie,' a madcap mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Running from October 4th to 29th, this limited run is not to be missed. Get your tickets today and be prepared for an unforgettable experience.
Review: THE BOOK OF WILL at A Noise Within
by Evan Henerson - May 28, 2023
Gunderson’s storytelling and her love of Shakespeare is another. It’s also icing on a most tasty cake that may not be for all palates. If you get the running gag of a character’s passion for PERICLES, this one’s for you.
A Noise Within's Daring To Love Season Closes With THE BOOK OF WILL
by Stephi Wild - Mar 29, 2023
A Noise Within's 'Daring to Love' season fittingly closes with a love letter - to William Shakespeare and a life in the theater. Geoff Elliott and Julia Rodriguez-Elliott co-direct The Book of Will, a comically outlandish but true story of love, loss and laughter by Lauren Gunderson.
Review: ANIMAL FARM at A Noise Within
by Andrew Child - Sep 6, 2022
The best way to describe my experience at A Noise Within’s production of Peter Hall, Adrian Mitchell, and Richard Peaslee’s 1984 musical version of Animal Farm is that when the ensemble came out to bow and I only counted 11 actors, my jaw dropped.