East Lynne Theater Company to Support Gilda's Club South Jersey with BIOGRAPHY
by BWW
News Desk - Oct 13, 2016
???????The Equity professional East Lynne Theater Company not only gives gift certificates to charitable nonprofits, meeting requests from organizations in Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, Virginia, and New Jersey, but also offers a portion of its proceeds during at least one performance yearly to help a nonprofit.
East Lynne Theater Company to Support Gilda's Club South Jersey with BIOGRAPHY
by BWW News Desk - Sep 27, 2016
???????The Equity professional East Lynne Theater Company not only gives gift certificates to charitable nonprofits, meeting requests from organizations in Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, Virginia, and New Jersey, but also offers a portion of its proceeds during at least one performance yearly to help a nonprofit.
East Lynne Theater Company to Stage BIOGRAPHY This Month
by BWW
News Desk - Sep 21, 2016
The award-winning Equity professional East Lynne Theater Company is proud to present S. N. Behrman's comedy, 'Biography,' during an election year. Behrman, a playwright, screenwriter, and contributor to 'The New Yorker,' based the fascinating character of Marion on real-life painter and free-thinker, Neysa McMein. She also appears in Thomas Wolfe's 'You Can't Go Home Again,' thinly disguised under another pseudonym.
Meet East Lynne Theater Co.'s Cast of BIOGRAPHY at Restaurant Q&A
by BWW News Desk - Sep 21, 2016
For those who didn't have the opportunity to meet the cast and crew of East Lynne Theater Company's 'Biography' at the after-show party at Aleathea's Restaurant on September 21, another chance is to be had on Friday, October 7 at an after-show Q&A. It's a wonderful opportunity for patrons to ask the actors and director such questions as 'why do they do what they do?' and 'how do they do it?'
Meet East Lynne Theater Co.'s Cast of BIOGRAPHY at Restaurant Q&A
by A.A. Cristi - Sep 20, 2016
For those who didn't have the opportunity to meet the cast and crew of East Lynne Theater Company's "Biography" at the after-show party at Aleathea's Restaurant on September 21, another chance is to be had on Friday, October 7 at an after-show Q&A. It's a wonderful opportunity for patrons to ask the actors and director such questions as "why do they do what they do?" and "how do they do it?"
East Lynne Theater Company to Stage BIOGRAPHY This Month
by BWW News Desk - Sep 6, 2016
The award-winning Equity professional East Lynne Theater Company is proud to present S. N. Behrman's comedy, 'Biography,' during an election year. Behrman, a playwright, screenwriter, and contributor to 'The New Yorker,' based the fascinating character of Marion on real-life painter and free-thinker, Neysa McMein. She also appears in Thomas Wolfe's 'You Can't Go Home Again,' thinly disguised under another pseudonym.
World Premiere of MOLUMBY'S MILLION Opens at The Centre Theater Nov 5
by BWW
News Desk - Nov 5, 2010
Boxing champ Jack Dempsey is in a pickle; he wants a fight, but crooked promoters, conniving reporters, and shady dames keep him from the fight he wants. He ends up fighting for his championship and pride in a tiny cowtown in Montana in the world premier of the new hard punching comedy by D.W. Gregory, 'Molumby's Million.' The Centre Theater brings this true story to life with all the force of a knockout blow.
World Premiere of MOLUMBY'S MILLION Opens at The Centre Theater Nov 5
by Erica Anker - Oct 20, 2010
Boxing champ Jack Dempsey is in a pickle; he wants a fight, but crooked promoters, conniving reporters, and shady dames keep him from the fight he wants. He ends up fighting for his championship and pride in a tiny cowtown in Montana in the world premier of the new hard punching comedy by D.W. Gregory, 'Molumby's Million.' The Centre Theater brings this true story to life with all the force of a knockout blow.