The Del Shores Foundation Presents First Del Shores Foundation Writers Festival Next Month
by Stephi Wild - Aug 17, 2022
The Del Shores Foundation presents its first weekend-long Del Shores Foundation Writers Festival September 9-11, 2022 at the Trinity River Arts Center in Dallas. The festival will feature live stage readings of all three winning scripts from the first Del Shores Foundation Writers Search along with panels featuring industry experts in theatre and film focused specifically on writing.
SORDID LIVES Streaming Event To Benefit Richmond Triangle Players May 31
by A.A. Cristi - May 18, 2020
The Del Shores Foundation presents a one-night-only benefit reading of the original SORDID LIVES play by Del Shores for a #SordidLiveStream. The reading will be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook on Sunday, May 31 at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern, hosted and produced by Emerson Collins and Del Shores.
Sequel to Del Shores' Smash Cult Hit SORDID LIVES Announced
by Caryn Robbins - Sep 22, 2014
Award-winning Writer/Director/Producer Del Shores (Southern Baptist Sissies, 'Queer As Folk', Blues For Willadean) has announced that his next feature film project will be A Very Sordid Wedding, a sequel to his 2001 gay cult classic film Sordid Lives.
August 2010 Concerts Announced For The RRazz room
by BWW
News Desk - Aug 1, 2010
August 2010 Concerts set for the RRazz room at Hotel Nikko San Francisco. The RRazz room at Hotel Nikko is located at 222 Mason Street (between Ellis and O'Farrell) San Francisco, California 94102
August 2010 Concerts Announced For The RRazz room
by Gabrielle Sierra - Jul 6, 2010
August 2010 Concerts set for the RRazz room at Hotel Nikko San Francisco. The RRazz room at Hotel Nikko is located at 222 Mason Street (between Ellis and O'Farrell) San Francisco, California 94102