Neal Radice is the award winning Founder and Executive Director of Alleyway Theatre. in Buffalo, New York, a company dedicated to developing and producing new plays and musicals. In addition to having directed or produced hundreds of plays, musicals or operas during the past fifty years, he has created scenery, costumes, or lighting for again as many productions. His credits as a playwright, music composer or lyricist include: Be Yourself, Jack!, Beowulf: The Rock Opera, What Are We Doing In Buffalo?, Casey’s Social Club, The Miss Greater Loesserville Pageant, Minimum Habitat, Peer, The Perpetual Motion Man, Sherlock In Love, Sherlock Alone, Sherlock Forever, Gilgamesh, The Road To Bethlehem, Pan-Ambitions, Over The Falls, Shadow Serenade, Columbus, Tooley And Mary, Italian Serenade, The Ghost Of Fort Niagara, Night Work, Granny Bird, I’m Fine and Killer Rack: The Feminist, Horror Musical Comedy. He has composed countless pieces of incidental music for the theatre and recently completed a new opera: A Patch Of Earth. Mr. Radice appeared for over thirty years in his much loved adaptation of A Christmas Carol.