Photo Flash: Our Town Extended At The Actors' Gang Through 7/11
by Gabrielle Sierra - May 28, 2009
Our Town - Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer Prize-winning stage classic about small town life extends through July 11 at The Actors' Gang. Our Town explores the poignancy of everyday life in a quiet New England village in the early years of the 20th century. This timeless play is told through the eyes of the Stage Manager, who allows a girl named Emily to relive a day in her life, then stands back and watches. After exploring her town of Grover's Corners for its daily life, love and marriage, and finally life and death, Emily is left to ask, 'Doesn't anyone ever realize life while they live it?'
OUR TOWN Set To Open At The Actors' Gang 4/25
by Reynard Loki - Mar 25, 2009
In this new American era of hope, fresh with the promise of new beginnings, The Actors' Gang is pleased to present Our Town by Thornton Wilder. Wilder's evocative play with its timeless themes of love and loss opens on Saturday, April 25 with performances continuing through May 30. Low-priced previews begin April 18.
'Klüb' Revived at Actor's Gang; Reunites Creative Team
by BWW News Desk - Mar 7, 2008
A revival of The Actors' Gang's 1992 hit show Klüb continues The Gang's 25th Anniversary Season tribute to its artistic roots, and reunites the company with writer Mitch Watson, director Michael Schlitt and songwriter David Arnott.