PRIVATE PRACTICE Stars Kate Walsh & Paul Adelstein to Live Twitter Chat 4/17
by BWW
News Desk - Apr 17, 2012
Fans of ABC's hit drama PRIVATE PRACTICE will be able to submit questions and receive real-time responses from Kate Walsh, who will be on Twitter at @katewalsh during the East Coast broadcast of the show, and Paul Adelstein, who will be on Twitter at @adelsteinPaul during the West Coast broadcast, TUESDAY, APRIL 17 from 10:01-11:00 p.m., ET on ABC.
PRIVATE PRACTICE Stars Kate Walsh & Paul Adelstein to Live Twitter Chat 4/17
by Caryn Robbins - Apr 13, 2012
Fans of ABC's hit drama PRIVATE PRACTICE will be able to submit questions and receive real-time responses from Kate Walsh, who will be on Twitter at @katewalsh during the East Coast broadcast of the show, and Paul Adelstein, who will be on Twitter at @adelsteinPaul during the West Coast broadcast, TUESDAY, APRIL 17 from 10:01-11:00 p.m., ET on ABC.