Irving Berlin’s White Christmas - the heartwarming musical adaptation based on the beloved, timeless Paramount Pictures film of the same name - continues The Gateway’s 75th Season, and will perform at The Gateway Playhouse in Bellport, NY.
HONEYLAND Will Make US Premiere Off-Broadway at The Triad
TheatreRoo brings the US premiere of HONEYLAND from Brisbane to New York City. Discover more about this captivating new production as it makes its debut on the American stage at Off-Broadway's The Triad Theater. HONEYLAND, a coming-of-age musical, follows a group of college graduates navigating the era's defining moments—the civil rights movement, feminism, and the anti-Vietnam protests.
MY FAIR LADY Comes to the Benedum Center in January
The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust has announced that the Lincoln Center Theater's critically acclaimed production of Lerner & Loewe's MY FAIR LADY is coming to Pittsburgh on January 30 to February 4, 2024, at the Benedum Center, 237 7th Street.
MY FAIR LADY Comes to Popejoy Hall in March
Popejoy Presents Broadway in New Mexico is pleased to announce that the Lincoln Center Theater’s critically acclaimed production of Lerner & Loewe’s MY FAIR LADY is coming to Albuquerque March 21 – March 24, 2024 for six performances at Popejoy Hall.
Lerner & Loewe's MY FAIRY LADY Comes to Madison This Month
Overture Center has announced that the Lincoln Center Theater's critically acclaimed production of Lerner & Loewe's MY FAIR LADY is coming to Madison. With eight performances, the show will run Tuesday, Nov. 21 through Sunday, Nov. 26 in Overture Hall.