Brand New HONEY BEE BABY Is Abuzz With Meaning at Strand
by Cybele Pomeroy - Jan 12, 2025
Rapid Lemon and Strand, both known for promoting new works, present a puzzle of humanity with HONEY BEE BABY, a new work by Philadelphia-based Erlina Ortiz through January 25th. Elements of acting, theatrical technology and direction augment an unusual and satisfying script that asks hard questions with no pat answers.
Review: In THE BOOK OF GRACE from Rapid Lemon, a Penchant for Grand Themes and Intoxicating Characters, Outstanding Cast
by Jack L. B. Gohn - Jan 15, 2024
Playwright Suzan Lori-Parks evidently likes to swing for the fences. In The Book of Grace, now being presented by Rapid Lemon, he is fearless in presenting an extravagantly exaggerated and often violent version of the realities she sees in our country today. Despair seems the only reasonable response – and yet optimism, however irrational, cannot be absolutely extinguished. Parks exhibits an extravagant talent and a penchant for grand themes – and a pervasive if not totally dominant skepticism.
Review: VARIATIONS, a Baltimore Constant, Ponders CHANGE in 2022
by Cybele Pomeroy - Oct 3, 2022
VARIATIONS ON CHANGE, the 2022 iteration of the longtime Baltimore VARIATIONS project, demonstrates diversity and inclusion in subject matter, participation, cast and production folx at Motor House in Baltimore's Station North Arts District. Audiences choose by vote the 2023 theme of VARIATIONS.
Personality Verging on Personhood: PROXY at Rapid Lemon
by Jack L. B. Gohn - Oct 12, 2019
One of the things drama does so well is to make us think and feel about the vectors a society is following. And one of the things happening in our society that drama needs to address is our headlong rush into technology with a personality verging on personhood. Proxy is a thoughtful and perceptive consideration of that rush.
Rapid Lemon Productions Presents VARIATIONS ON SACRIFICE
by BWW
News Desk - Aug 3, 2018
Rapid Lemon Productions will present Variations on Sacrifice this summer as part of their 2018 season. A full production of 11 ten-minute plays appearing for two weeks will be followed by a third weekend of staged readings of 8 more short plays. All were chosen from local authors' submissions to the 14th annual Variations Project.
Rapid Lemon Productions Presents VARIATIONS ON SACRIFICE
by Stephi Wild - Jun 7, 2018
Rapid Lemon Productions will present Variations on Sacrifice this summer as part of their 2018 season. A full production of 11 ten-minute plays appearing for two weeks will be followed by a third weekend of staged readings of 8 more short plays. All were chosen from local authors' submissions to the 14th annual Variations Project.
Rapid Lemon Productions Present Workshop Production of Max Garner's MARVIN'S TRIAL, 12/15 & 16
by BWW News Desk - Dec 15, 2012
Rapid Lemon Productions presents the workshop production of MARVIN'S TRIAL by Max Garner - directed by CJay Philip - for two shows only, today, December 15th and the 16th, 2012 at the Maryland Institute College of Art, Gateway Building, 1601 Mount Royal Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217. Performances will be at 8:00 pm tonight, December 15th, and at 2:00 pm on Sunday, December 16th.