Latest Standings Announced For The 2024 BWW Denver Awards
by BWW Awards - Dec 9, 2024
Don't miss your chance to vote for the 2024 BroadwayWorld Denver Awards! Voting ends on 12/31 at midnight. Don't miss out on making sure that your favorite theatres, stars, and shows get the recognition they deserve!
BWW Review: Roxy Regional Theatre's CRY-BABY: THE MUSICAL Serves Up Swell Summer Fun
by Jeffrey Ellis - Jun 10, 2022
Now onstage through June 18 at Clarksville’s Roxy Regional Theatre, Cry-Baby: The Musical (which played a brief 2008 Broadway run) is a riff on Romeo and Juliet that takes place during the age of polio vaccinations, Pinko Commie malcontents and the overzealous construction of flimsy, at-home shelters that promised protection from atomic blasts and somehow typified the Eisenhower era of the post-war 1950s.
Roxy Regional Theatre to Stage Rockabilly Musical, CRY-BABY
by Marissa Tomeo - May 21, 2022
Romeo and Juliet meets High School Hellcats in the hit summer musical coming to the stage of Clarksville’s oldest professional theatre. Based on the John Waters cult classic film, CRY-BABY: The Musical opens Friday, June 3, at 8:00pm. In keeping with the theatre's pay-what-you-can opening night tradition, all tickets not pre-sold at the regular price will go on sale at 7:30pm that evening for a $5 minimum donation.
GODSPELL Weaves Its Magic At The Roxy Regional Theatre, April 8 - April 23
by A.A. Cristi - Mar 26, 2022
GODSPELL, the international hit musical loosely based on the Gospel according to St. Matthew, opens at the Roxy Regional Theatre on Friday, April 8, at 8:00pm. In keeping with the theatre's pay-what-you-can opening night tradition, all tickets not pre-sold at the regular price will go on sale at 7:30pm that evening for a $5 minimum donation.