LAW & ORDER Star Carolyn McCormick Will Lead Katonah Classic Stage's LATER LIFE
Katonah Classic Stage (KCS) will kick-off their 2023 season at Armonk's Whippoorwill Theatre with the bittersweet comedy, Later Life, from the timeless playwright A.R. Gurney. Starting with a preview on April 27th, the play, set in the 1990s, will take audiences on a romantic journey of missed connections with hope for new beginnings, through May 7, 2023.
Fringe First Winners to Bring THE GOLFER to 59E59 Theaters
Twilight Theatre Company will present The Golfer, a fast-paced, comic fantasia by two-time Fringe First winner Brian Parks, directed by Fringe First winner Margarett Perry to 59E59 Theaters East to Edinburgh (New York City) July 24, 27 & 28, and Assembly George Square Studio Two (Edinburgh) August 3-29.
Israela Margalit's CROSSROADS Gets An Encore Presentation
Moonlight Theatre Productions will present award-winning writer, director, producer Israela Margalit's acclaimed newest work CROSSROADS in an encore streaming presentation between December 24- 31, 2020. The show is FREE. To sign up for your link, please visit Eventbrite.