BWW Review: THE GOD GAME Provides Unrealistic Look at Religion and Politics at Mad Cow
Opening just three weeks before the presidential election, a play analyzing the confluence of religion and politics on a personal level should be a perfect theatrical opportunity. However, in light of this particular presidential contest, the handling of the issue feels simplistic and dated in THE GOD GAME, running at Orlando's Mad Cow Theatre through November 20th. This intimate, regional premiere from playwright Suzanne Bradbeer feels more like a thought exercise devoid of real world calculations than an honest introspection of a third rail in American politics.
HBO-Inspired Art Set for Group Show at CCD Art and Supply Co. Today
Today, June 20th, 2015, Brooklyn-based art collective THE CCD ART & SUPPLY CO. will hold their fourth group art show at Irish Haven in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The event, titled 'THE HBO SHOW', is a pop-culture themed gallery-styled art show celebrating the original programming of cable television network HBO.
HBO-Inspired Art Set for Group Show at CCD Art and Supply Co., 6/20
On Saturday, June 20th, 2015, Brooklyn-based art collective THE CCD ART & SUPPLY CO. will hold their fourth group art show at Irish Haven in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The event, titled 'THE HBO SHOW', is a pop-culture themed gallery-styled art show celebrating the original programming of cable television network HBO.
The CCD Art & Supply Co. Opens Group Show 'THE ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE' Today
Art collective THE CCD ART & SUPPLY CO. presents their second group art show: 'THE ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE: MOBSTER MOVIES... IN BLOOD RED!' The show features works from sixteen artists inspired by sixteen famous mobster movies and opens for one night only today, February 7 at 8pm at the Irish Haven bar at 5721 4th Avenue in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Admission is free, and all the artwork featured is for sale.
The CCD Art & Supply Co. to Present Group Show 'THE ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE', 2/7
Art collective THE CCD ART & SUPPLY CO. presents their second group art show: 'THE ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE: MOBSTER MOVIES... IN BLOOD RED!' The show features works from sixteen artists inspired by sixteen famous mobster movies and opens for one night only on Saturday, February 7 at 8pm at the Irish Haven bar at 5721 4th Avenue in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Admission is free, and all the artwork featured is for sale.