Roles Still Available in Pease Auditorium's A CHANGE IS GONNA COME, 10/23
by BWW
News Desk - Oct 23, 2010
In recognition of domestic violence month, Performing Arts and Literary Society (PALS), will be presenting the award-winning stage play, 'A Change Is Gonna Come', at Pease auditorium, CPCC, on October 23, 6:00 PM (more information to come). We have some talent local artists who have been preparing for the production for several months; however, we have a few roles that are still vacant and need to be filled immediately! We are a nonprofit organization; therefore; this is not a paid engagement; we are looking for those who are interested in domestic violence advocacy and awareness or who is an inspiring performing artist looking for an opportunity to display your talents. In addition, we are dealing with the issue of domestic violence in religious institution, so we want to make you aware of the sensitivity of the subject matter. If you are interested, please e-mail me (Vickie Evans) the playwright/director or telephone me at (800) 903-6171, to set up an audition. We have principal and understudy roles available as specified below:
Roles Still Available in Pease Auditorium's A CHANGE IS GONNA COME, 10/23
by Molly Hagan - Aug 27, 2010
In recognition of domestic violence month, Performing Arts and Literary Society (PALS), will be presenting the award-winning stage play, 'A Change Is Gonna Come', at Pease auditorium, CPCC, on October 23, 6:00 PM (more information to come). We have some talent local artists who have been preparing for the production for several months; however, we have a few roles that are still vacant and need to be filled immediately! We are a nonprofit organization; therefore; this is not a paid engagement; we are looking for those who are interested in domestic violence advocacy and awareness or who is an inspiring performing artist looking for an opportunity to display your talents. In addition, we are dealing with the issue of domestic violence in religious institution, so we want to make you aware of the sensitivity of the subject matter. If you are interested, please e-mail me (Vickie Evans) the playwright/director or telephone me at (800) 903-6171, to set up an audition. We have principal and understudy roles available as specified below: