Green Space Releases January Schedule
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Dec 23, 2019
Green Space has announced a diverse roster of artists for its signature programs this September. Take Root will present an evening of work by Drastic Action and Nicole Y. McClam on January 24th and 25th, and Fertile Ground showcases works-in-progress by multiple dance artists on January 26th.
Applications Now Open For 2020 Residencies At SPACE On Ryder Farm
by Julie Musbach - Sep 11, 2019
a??a??a??a??a??a??a??SPACE on Ryder Farm--a nonprofit residency program and organic farm located on the grounds of a 224-year-old family homestead in Putnam County, New York--announced that applications for 2020 residency programs are now open.
NC Theatre + Theatre Raleigh Present MAYTLE'S WORLD
by A.A. Cristi - Apr 10, 2019
NC Theatre and Theatre Raleigh present a staged reading of Maytle's World, written by 2017 NC Poet Laureate, Shelby Stephenson, and directed by Eric Woodall. Maytle's World is a part of NC Theatre and Theatre Raleigh's new works series Reflections: Sharing our Stories. More information here.
Applications Now Open For 2019 Residencies At SPACE On Ryder Farm
by Julie Musbach - Aug 13, 2018
SPACE on Ryder Farm--a nonprofit residency program for artists and activists located on a 223 year-old working organic farm in Brewster, NY--announced that applications for all of its 2019 residency programs are now open for submission. Due to increasing demand, SPACE announced in July that it was changing its submission process to allow the organization sufficient time for review.
Bloomingdale School Of Music TRANSCENDENTAL HEART STRINGS to Feature Cello, Piano & Soprano
by A.A. Cristi - May 12, 2018
BLOOMINGDALE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PRESENTS Transcendental Heart Strings a FREE Concert featuring Cellist Margalit Cantor, Soprano Katherine Copland & Pianist Marc Peloquin Friday, June 22, 2018 @ 7 PM New York, New York - Bloomingdale School of Music's Free Faculty Concert Series closes out the season with Transcendental Heart Strings on Friday, June 22nd at 7:00 pm at the school's home site located at 323 West 108th Street. Seating is limited. BSM faculty members Margalit Cantor, Katherine Copland, and Marc Peloquin collaborate on a concert showcasing repertoire written specifically to compliment the duo of cello and voice with piano. Performing the works of great composers from Francesco Paolo Tosti to Andre Previn, the recital will highlight compositions through the ages written for this stunning combination. This promises to be a transcendent program that will surely pull on the heart-strings of its listeners.
Bloomingdale School Of Music Presents THE LYRICAL BRAHMS, Today
by BWW News Desk - Apr 27, 2018
Bloomingdale School of Music (BSM) continues its focus on faculty performances with pianist Judith Olson and guest artist Rolf Schulte on violin in a concert entitled, The Lyrical Brahms on today, April 27th at 7:00 pm. This free concert will be held at the school's home site located at 323 West 108th Street in Manhattan. Seating is limited.
Bloomingdale School of Music Presents VARIATIONS
by Julie Musbach - Apr 11, 2018
Bloomingdale School of Music (BSM) is pleased to present pianist and faculty member Anna Khanina in a solo concert entitled Variations on Friday, May 4th at 7:00 pm. This free concert open to the community will be held at the school's home site located at 323 West 108th Street in Manhattan. Seating is limited.
Bloomingdale School Of Music Presents THE LYRICAL BRAHMS, Today
by A.A. Cristi - Mar 26, 2018
Bloomingdale School of Music (BSM) continues its focus on faculty performances with pianist Judith Olson and guest artist Rolf Schulte on violin in a concert entitled, The Lyrical Brahms on today, April 27th at 7:00 pm. This free concert will be held at the school's home site located at 323 West 108th Street in Manhattan. Seating is limited.
Bloomingdale School Of Music Presents THREE VOICES OF PASSACAGLIA
by A.A. Cristi - Mar 26, 2018
Bloomingdale School of Music (BSM) is pleased to continue its concert series shining a light on its gifted faculty of teaching artists with Three Voices of Passacaglia on Friday, April 13th at 7:00 pm. Led by string faculty member Naho Parrini on violin, the concert will be held at the school's home site located at 323 West 108th Street between Broadway and Riverside Drive in Manhattan. Seating is limited.
Bloomingdale School Of Music Presents Bernstein's Chamber Music As Part Of LEONARD BERNSTEIN AT 100
by A.A. Cristi - Mar 2, 2018
Bloomingdale School of Music (BSM) is pleased to continue its participation in Leonard Bernstein at 100, the global centennial celebration of the legendary composer, conductor, educator and humanitarian Leonard Bernstein with a concert highlighting the maestro's chamber music on Friday, March 23rd at 7:00 pm. This free concert will be held at the school's home site located at 108th street between Broadway and Riverside Drive. Seating is limited.
BSM Celebrates Women Composers With THE MUSIC OF REBECCA CLARKE
by A.A. Cristi - Feb 14, 2018
Bloomingdale School of Music (BSM) is pleased to continue its mini-series celebrating the music of women composers with a concert entitled, The Music of Rebecca Clarke on Friday, March 9th at 7:00 pm. This free concert will be held at the David Greer Recital Hall at the school's home site at 323 West 108th Street in Manhattan. Seating is limited. Led by BSM piano faculty member Tim McCullough and joined by mezzo soprano Lara Nie and violist Ann Roggen, the program shines a spotlight on the music of the English/American composer Rebecca Clarke and features vocal settings of poems by William Shakespeare and William Blake as well as the epic Viola Sonata.
The Bloomingdale School of Music Celebrates New Music and The Creativity Of Student Composers, 3/10
by A.A. Cristi - Feb 3, 2018
The Bloomingdale School of Music (BSM) is pleased to present its annual student composing project, Album for the Young (A4TY) in recital, on March 10th at the Thalia Theater at Symphony Space with two performances one at 4:30 pm and the other at 6:30 pm. Admission for each performance is $12.00 and may be purchased at the Symphony Space Box office, located at 2537 Broadway at 95th Street, or call (212) 864-5400. Tickets are available at