A new animated musical by Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss (of Six the Musical) is in the works from Warner Bros. Pictures Animation and Locksmith Animation. Bad Fairies, a subversive musical comedy that follows a rule-breaking group of badass fairies, is due to hit theaters on July 23, 2027.
Discover the diverse new works at PlayGround's Free-Play Festival, featuring 11 productions from acclaimed theatre artists, including three from Los Angeles. Runs August 9-25 at Potrero Stage and simulcast.
Austin Film Festival & Writers Conference (AFF), the premier festival that champions the writers' contributions to film, television, and new media, announced Emmy® Award winner Larry Wilmore as the recipient of its 2018 Outstanding Television Writer Award at the 25th Annual Austin Film Festival this October 25 – November 1.
This week, we go around our Broadway World to feature stories in Chicago, Madison, Sydney and more. Check out our top 10 stories around our Broadway World below, which include HOW TO SUCCEED in Chicago, ENDGAME in Madison, and MY FAIR LADY directed by Julie Andrews in Sydney, just to name a few.
The Walt Disney Studios offers an exclusive look at its upcoming projects from Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm at D23 EXPO 2015, taking place August 14–16 at the Anaheim Convention Center.