Martha ClarkeAngel Reapers
Martha Clarke, Cheri
Martha ClarkeGarden of Earthly Delights
Martha Clarke, Vienna: Lusthaus (revisited)
Martha Clarke has written 6 shows including Garden of Earthly Delights (Conceiver), Miracolo D'Amore (Conceiver), Vienna: Lusthaus (revisited) (Conceiver), Belle Epoque (Author), Kaos (Conceiver), Cheri (Creator).
Outstanding Choreographer (The Lortels) for Angel Reapers, Outstanding Choreographer (The Lortels) for Cheri, Outstanding Choreographer (The Lortels) for Garden of Earthly Delights and Outstanding Choreographer (The Lortels) for Vienna: Lusthaus (revisited).
Outstanding Choreographer (The Lortels) for Angel Reapers.